Thursday, March 23, 2006

Welcome to Canadian Networking

Welcome to my BLOG on Canadian Networking.

This BLOG is about Telecom Networking (LAN, MAN, WLAN, Telecom Carriers) issues in Canada. I will try to post to this at least once per week, on relevant issues in networking. I will also entertain discussions on the articles that I write for Network World Canada. The column is called Down to the Wire" and covers essentially the same topic. I will post links to the columns in Network World on the left. The BLOG allows us to discuss the topics further - if anyone is interested.

My column in the latest issue of Network World talks about the need for network based authentication in today's networks.

In today's business environment, the need for network authentication, especially linked to some sort of back end authentication system - e.g. based on RADIUS - is pretty important. Unfortunately most companies ignore this technology because it is too hard to implement. Or at least it used to be.

Times have changed.

While network authentication is still not a walk in the park, many vendors and consortia have stepped up to the plate. Cisco's NAC and the TCG's Trusted Network Connect Sub Group (TNC SG) are both examples of efforts in this area. Add to this consulting groups like Blue Spruce Technologies, hardware solutions from LockDown Networks and software solutions from Great Bay Software and things get easier.

It is time to implement network authentication in enterprise networks in Canada.

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